Although each make usually sells its own shelter to go with a specific mower, these can be quite expensive. Not to mention the fact that, since prices are coming down, and anything mechanical will eventually fail, you might not necessarily want to replace your existing lawn mower with one from the same manufacturer.
Even if you did, the chances are good that the existing shelter wouldn't be compatible.
The following selection of robot mower shelters are designed to work for most brands. While it's also possible to make your own DIY lawn mower shelter, for most of us, it's just easier to buy one off the shelf.
However, let's start with one that almost looks as if it could be made by measuring up, buying wood, and spending a weekend in the shed with an array of power tools...
It's also not cheap, either, at around £90 including delivery, and much the same effect could probably be achieved by a skilled weekend DIY-er.
For the rest of us, though, it's a viable option: but you will need to drill some holes or even cut some of the rear away to accommodate the mower's charging station and connecting wires.
This puts it at a price point slightly ahead of the competition, including branded options. On the plus side, though, it is built to last, and can be bolted down to the ground.
Where I'm a bit concerned is with those charging stations that need space at the rear for wires. The steel probably wont't be easy to cut through, and the overhang may leave the mower partially exposed unless the charging station can be pushed right up against the back.
This is a £200 self-assembled, low profile shelter that is designed to blend in rather than stand out.
br/>The effect works, and is pictured here housing the ubiquitous Gardena/Flymo/Husqvarna entry-level mower.
One advantage with this model, and others like it, is that since it isn't fully enclosed, there's plenty of access to the rear plate of the charging station, so installation should be that much easier; especially if the charging station was installed some time ago and has become part of the lawn!
It's even more low profile than the Robohome, but is a little larger, designed to accommodate all sizes of robot mower. To give you an idea, the roof is 103cm x 77cm and it stands over 40cm tall.
Luckily, it comes with some long nails to help hold it down! It is also democratically priced at £95.
However, take a look at the final item -- the VidaXL weather resistant lawn mower garage -- doesn't it look somewhat similar?
With all that said, the one thing you can't quibble is the price: at £40 it's the cheapest one here, and for light weather-proofing looks to be the ideal solution. Now, where did I put my credit card....?