Monday, 22 May 2017

Replacement Blades for Flymo, Gardena, and Husqvarna Automower Models

Robotic lawn mowers are great, but they, like all mowers, have parts that wear out. As a result of their design, Husqvarna Automower based machines seem to need their blades replacing quite often.

Part of the issue is that they are smaller, lighter, and designed more for fine cutting than longevity. All it needs is a few errant branches and you will find that you need to buy replacement blades several times per season.

Original Blades Aren't Cheap

If you can find them, Flymo 1200r replacement blades (pack of 9) will set you back over £25. That's almost 30 Euros, and at that price, the compatible Gardena R40Li blade pack of 9 at 18.99 Euros begins to look tempting: all you'd need to do is hop over the Channel!

However, even these pale next to aftermarket blades available on Amazon.

For example, for less than £15 (excluding delivery), you can buy the pack on the right: 30 compatible blades, plus bolts, for all Husqvarna Automower models.

The seller is so confident that these are going to be a perfect drop-in replacement that they offer a refund if they don't. I would advise reading the small print, but there's also the suggestion that they would honour a refund even if you open the packet.

But wait! There's more.

From the same supplier, there's another pack of 30, seemingly supplied without screws (bolts), but with a rather fetching titanium coating, at an even lower price.

Now, I take pretty good care of my bolts, and it's fair to say that whenever I've replaced the blades, I've managed to stockpile quite a few of them over the past few seasons.

They're slightly special, as owners of any of these models will know, in that they have a kind of thread-less, slightly oversized shoulder, just underneath the bolt's head, which allows the blade to rotate freely.

So, if you haven't managed to hold on to them, it's worth keeping a note that next time you should do so, if only to give you access to the cheaper range of aftermarket blades.

Again, read the small print, but the manufacturer seems pretty confident that either pack will prove a decent replacement for the originals.

SourceBlade PricePack
Flymo£2.709 + bolts
Gardena(£1.82)9 + bolts
Genisys£0.4830 + bolts
Genisys Titan£0.4330 blades only

It's also worth noting that Genisys also has a range of blades and accessories for all the popular makes, including the Bosch Indego, Worx Landroid, and Honda Miimo. If you go through their online catalogue at Amazon, you'll also find smaller sized  packs of blades so you can test out a cheaper pack before you commit.

See the whole range of robot mower spares from Genisys by clicking the link.

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